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CLAIMS: Duluth Paranormal Society was called into a single-family residence to investigate various claims. Family members heard loud banging and footsteps upstairs when there was nobody up there. They have also seen a small child apparition.  They have felt someone lie down in bed next to them when trying to sleep and found no one was there. The family asked DPS to find out as much information as we could such as is anyone there, if so, why, and who are they. 



INVESTIGATORS ASSIGNED TO CASE: Andy, Amanda, Joe, Ryan, Chera, and Steve.



EQUIPMENT USED: Night vision cameras, audio recorders, EMF Detectors, Mel-Meters, K2 meters, Motion Detectors. DPS arrived at the home at 7 pm for set up.  The investigation began at 9 pm.  One live feed camera was set up and monitored at the command center outside the home. Investigators entered the home in teams of 2 to conduct various methods of investigation. 



INVESTIGATION:  Amanda, Chera, and the homeowner were attempting to have the entity copy the Shave and a haircut knock.  We believe they got a response caught on audio.  Throughout the night heavy snow chunks melted off the metal roof.  Some believe that the knocking response they heard may have been the snow, however, the consistency in the timing of the response suggests otherwise.  In this piece of evidence, we have to consider the snow as a possibility, you be the judge.  The second unexplained sound caught was during a time the investigators had trouble with one of the video cameras.  After calling a tech on the radio you will hear one of the investigators say “all you had to do was call him”.  After that, a voice shows up singing a soft tune.  This was not heard live by those in the house. It was determined that this voice was not that of an investigator by listening to each recorder they had on them at the time. Chera asked to be touched.  She stated that her hand was on her leg.  You can hear Chera’s response when she felt someone touch her finger. 


RESULTS: DPS has determined this case to be inconclusive.  Despite any personal experiences and unexplained audio recordings, we cannot conclude that this residence is haunted. This was determined based on the lack of sufficient evidence. It is the opinion of DPS and the homeowners that the events of the evening along with previous experiences had by the family are paranormal.   


RECOMMENDATION: DPS recommends no further investigations at this time as long as the family feels safe.  The family has since reported activity has gone down after following the advice provided.  If the family feels that things pick up again or they would like us to attempt to gather more information we are available for future investigations.  


Here is the evidence described above. 


Amanda, Chera and the homeownder were attemping to have the entity copy the Shave and a hair cut knock.

This is an amplified version of the shave and a hair cut clip above. 

After calling a tech on the radio you will hear one of the investigators say “all you had to do was call him”.  After that a voice shows up singing a soft tune. 

Investigator Chera asked to be touched, she instructed that her hand was on her leg.  You can hear Chera’s response when she felt someone touch her finger. 

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